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DEMO Page 5

When your search returns results, they will be displayed under the search criteria. 
Each permit for the patient will listed with available actions displayed.
Tip: If your search returns more than three (3) patients, the table rows will be collapsed.  Click anywhere on the line to expand the record for viewing.

Step One Only permits with a VALID status will appear. If the permit is eligible for renewal, the Renew Permit button will appear.  Clicking on this will proceed you to the permit form for completion.  Once saved and submitted, the permit will be issued a new expiration date. Individuals are allowed two active permits for each type (Permanent or temporary) at one time.  Duplicate permits of the same type are for use for additional vehicles.  To issue a second permit for an individual already in the system, select this option to proceed to the permit form. If your search did not return the patient you were looking for, select this button to create a permit application for a new patient.  Do not use this option if the individual is already on file with the DMV.